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Department for Strategic and Regional Studies (DSRS) :-
The Department of Srategic and Regional Studies (DSRS), earlier known as the Centre for Strategic and Regional Studies (CSRS) was conceptualized by then Chancellor of the University and Govemor of Jammu and Kashmir General (Retd.) K.V. Krishna Rao in 1985. Subsequently, University Grants Commission appointed a special committee that submitted its report in 1987, recommending that in view of rapidly changing security environment, intensive efforts should be made to promote general awareness of strategic issues and national security in the country. It envisaged setting up a Centre for research on strategic, security and regional issues. Thus, predecessor of the Department of Strategic and Regional Studies (DSRS), Centre for Strategic and Regional Studies (CSRS), was established in the University of Jammu on 27th May 2002. lt had been conceived to promote and undertake research on strategic issues, national security and geo-strategic developments in the areas contigous to lndia in a substantive and inclusive manner.

The Centre started M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes in Strategic Studies in April 2004.The Centre was elevated to the status of a full-fledged teaching Departrnent by the University Council on April 21, 2006.



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