Vice Chancellor | Dean Academics | Dean (Faculty of Sciences) | Course Coordinator |
Message from Vice Chancellor |
I am pleased to learn that Master of science in the remote Sensing and GIS is bringing out the Information Brochure- cum - Prospectus for admission to the second batch of two years Post Graduate Course in Remote Sensing and GIS. |
I am happy to know that this post graduate course is multidisciplinary in nature and will give the opportunity to the students to gain knowledge in this emerging technology and its application in different field like hydrogeology, natural Hazards, mineral and oil exploration, bio-diversity, soil and agriculture, earthquake engineering, disaster management, environmental studies, telecom, tourism, defence, transport and navigation system. |
The University of Jammu is one of the few Universities in North India to have Master Level Course in remote sensing and GIS. I am sure that Remote Sensing and GIS will provide rigorous academic training, technical skills and competence in data and information acquisition, extraction, management and analysis, spatial and statistical modelling, mapping and visualization to the stuidents who are aspiring to take the admission from the academic sesssion 2009-2010. |
I send my greeting and good wishes on this occasion. |
Prof. Varun Sahni |
Vice Chancellor |
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