Vice Chancellor | Dean Academics | Dean (Faculty of Sciences) | Course Coordinator |
Message from Dean (Faculty of Sciences) |
It is a matter of great pleasure to know that Remote Sensing and GIS course bringing out the Information Brochure-cum-Prospectus for admission to the students for the acdemic session 2009-2010. I extend a very warm welcome to the talented, bright, young and dynamic students who wish to join the second batch of two years Post Graduate Course in Remote Sensing and GIS. the application of Remote Sensing and GIS in different fields like agriculture, forest, environment, urban, landuse, soil, geology, terrain, water resources, digital elevation model, disaster management, defence sector, telecom and transport and its job opportunity in State Government, Central Government, Academic Institution, Overseas, private Sector and self employment. |
I take this opportunity to congratulate the students, course coordinator and the faculty who are always in search of professional excellance. I am quite confident that the course coordinator, faculty member and the students would be able to meet the challenge ahead with utmost zeal, fervour and enthusiasm. |
I extend my best wishes on this occasion. |
Prof. Ramji Tiwari |
Dean (Faculty of Sciences) |