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Departmental Libraries :-

UGC and Departmental Libraries :-

The U.G.C (India) not only provides grants to the Indian Universities for purchasing books and constructing Library buildings but also takes initiative in persuading University authorities to establish departmental libraries. The U.G.C as far back as in 1960s attempted to ascertain the views of the Universities in the matter. The contents of the circular issued by the U.G.C read as follows: -

"The University Grants Commission has often emphasized the need for developing properly equipped University libraries and grants have been provided for the purpose from time to time. According to the University Education Commission, ' the ideal to be aimed at is a large Dhanvantri Library with departmental libraries in organic connection with it'. It is generally recognised that a suitably equipped departmental Library in a subject in which post-graduate instruction and reasearch are carried on is essential for the work of the department concerned. Such a Library is not expected to be entirely self-sufficient and may have reading material (not exceeding about 2000 volumes) which is frequently required for consultation or reference at post-graduate and research levels. Books in the departmental Library should be properly catalogued and accessioned and information
regarding them should be available in the Dhanvantri Library.

Departmental Library may be located within the department concerned and need not involve duplication of costly reading material. The Commission thinks that it is desirable to set up such libraries wherever this facility does not exist, the expenditure on this account being met out of normal grants available to the University. However, if some additional expenditure is inevitable, the Commission may please be informed about it at an early date."

    Need for Departmental Libraries
    UGC and Departmental Libraries
    Importace of Departmental Libraries
    Departmental Libraries Supported by Dhanvantri Libraries


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