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Departmental Libraries :-

In a University system, there are many departments, each running courses for a particular discipline. Each of these departments houses a Library having collection pertinent to the subject of pograms courses, being run by the department. These libraries whose spokes are extended to a particular subject system are known as departmental libraries.

" A Departmental Library may be defined as a subject collection in an academic institution, housed either in a separate room of the main Library or in some building outside the main Library and administered either as a part of a centralized Library system or as a part of the academic department it serves."

" Departmental libraries (i.e., Library collection maintained by or for academic departments within faculty) generally are necessary where academic and research units of a University are spread over an extensive campus. So far as administration is concerned economical management and effective services are obtained when the Library has control and supervision, even though, these may be delegated to responsible personnel over all the book resources of the University.".

     Need for Departmental Libraries
     UGC and Departmental Libraries
     Importace of Departmental Libraries
     Departmental Libraries Supported by Dhanvantri Libraries


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