1. Health seeking behaviour among women (35-36
years ) UGC sponsored
Major Research project. Sanctioned amount was Rs
9,82,484 .
2. Internally displaced People From Across LOC:
A Case Study of
Mirpuris In Jammu. A Minor Research project sponsored
by Centre for
Dialogue and Reconciliation. Sanctioned amount was Rs.
1. Relationship of Religiosity with
subjective well being among Tribal
Adolescents in Jammu District. UGC sponsored
Minor Research project.
Sanctioned amount is Rs 2,00,000/-
2. Monitoring and evaluation of ICDS in
Jammu Province Sponsored by
Dept. of Women & Child Development through NIPCCD,
New Delhi.
Sanctioned amount is 100000/- annum for three
years (2014-16)
continued since 2008