Health Centre :-
Medical Consultant |
Dentist |
Physiotherapy (Contractual) |
Radiologist on call basis biweekly |
S. Inspector |
S. Supervisor (Contractual) |
Sr. Asstt.
Pharmacist |
Lab. Technician (01 regular & 01 contractual) |
Driver |
N.O Female |
Peons |
Safaiwalla (Regular 32 & daily wager 33) |
Facilities :-
OPD Level Treatment (8 A.M - 8 P.M) |
Dental Facility |
Physiotherapy |
Ultra Sound biweekly |
Clinical Laboratory |
ECG Facility |
Ambulance Service |
Emergency Services on call/ telephone |
Referral to GMC & associated hospital in need |
Reimbursement facilities during hospitalisation |
Awareness camp/ AIDS/ Prog. in collaboration Adult
Education |
Immunization camp CDHC & other organisation
Polio |
Treatment of sports personnel during sports meeting |
Checkup of Surabhi School, Children of Home Science
Deptt. |
Medical aids and retired University staff &
their family |
Health card of all employees of University |
& Their Use :-
ECG Machine - for ECG |
Dental Chair - Dental treatment (extraction, RCT,
Scaling, filling) |
Ultra Sound Machine - Ultra Sound Abd & pelvic |
Different machine in Physiotherapy Deptt.- For
Orthopedic & Neurological problem |
Different equipment in Lab- For clinical test
routine blood / urine / stool. |
Equipment in dressing room- Autoclave / stalizer |
Intake Capacity of the Patient :-
Health Centre |
No. of patient seen in general OPD to 2500 per month
approx. Dental patients are about 350-400 p.m. Patient
seeking physiotherapy 230-240 p.m. Ultra Sound done of 70
patients (started from Jan, 2006)
Sanitary Facility :-
Responsible for cleanings Admn/Exam & other surroundings
Deptt., areas, road, hospitals, residential area, disposal
of garbage, dumps, blues bins & yellow bins,
municipality clean their bins biweekly, anti malarias sprays
got done regularly by NMED Deptt. (National Malarian
Eradicate Programme), cleaning of over head Water tank
biweekly basis, checks and control by SS & SI &
overall cross check by CMO.