Physical Facilities: Air conditioned
Computer Lab, Fax machines, Photocopier, Scanner,
Computers, Laptops, Air Coolers, Heat-Pillars etc.
Maintenance of infrastructure: Update
Computer systems, Antivirus, UPS etc. & regular
cleaning of water cooler, purifier, water tanks etc.
Library as a learning resource: There are
around 3514 number of Books and 277 Journals in the
Departmental library, adequate space for students
and scholars, proper accessioning of books,
maintaining of records of books in the Computer,
Open access system etc. Many important books have
been donated by Prof Leela Dube, Prof. J.R. Panda
and Ms. Urvashi Misri.
ICT as learning resources: Use of
Internet for mailing, Searching websites,
downloading relevant material etc. Organizing
lectures and workshops on special packages like SPSS.
Other facilities: Furnished Scholar’s
Room with Lockers, Computer & Internet facility,
Furnished Class rooms. Availability of LCD projector
for Power point presentation by faculty members &
scholars. Internet facility & Wi-fi to all the
faculty members.