| Committees
| Faculty
Introduction :-
The UGC has given a Centre for Nehru Studies under its
scheme of EPOCH Making Social Thinkers of India under Xth
Activities :-
Under the UGC guidelines the Centre has to do the
following activities with the fund provided:
- Set up a Library and Reading room for teachers and
students of the University and for scholars and other
readers outside the University, so that an increasing number
of persons become acquainted with the thoughts of Nehru.
- Conduct a full-time or part-time course of about 3 to 6
months, or of similar duration, for a group of
teachers/students of the University, functionaries of
non-government organizations, corporate executives and
government officers, focusing on particular aspects of
thinking and work of Nehru.
- Provide teaching support to other University departments
by introducing or assisting in existing courses/papers on
such studies indicated in different subjects of the
- Organize seminars/lecture series on some identified
topics on such studies. The proposal for holding a seminar
must be referred to the UGC for the comments of the convener
of the Standing Committee Lecture series may be organized in
the Centre or in any other suitable place and printed
material of these lectures may be placed in the library for
the use of the teachers, students and other interested
persons even from outside the University.
- Conduct research/studies in the thoughts and programmes
of Nehru.
- Conduct field work and action programmes on the basis of
constructive programme enunciated by Nehru, and action
programmes related to his thoughts.
- Understand and disseminate the concepts relating to
Buddha, Gandhi, Nehru and Ambedkar and the philosophies
enunciated by them, related to social justice and equity,
conflict resolution, non-violence and non-violent
protest-movement, empowerment of women, rural development
and related topics.
- Prepare modules of courses for short duration in the
universities, established in the name of the respective
thinkers for the orientation of students, teachers and
non-teaching staff.