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Exam Re-Evaluation :-


6. The entire correspondence relating to re-evaluation shall be handled by a person not lower in rank than the Assistant Registrar of the concerned Branch.
7. A candidate who applies for re-evaluation of his/her answer script/s will be permitted to see his/her answer script/s on payment of Rs. 50/- per answer script within 20 days after the result of re-evaluation is declared.
8. Fee paid by a candidate for re-evaluation of his/her answer script/s shall not be refunded.
9. a) Re-evaluation will be done by two independent examiners. The final result after re-evaluation shall be the average of the two highest scores out of the three awards, including the original award.
b) Notwithstanding anything contained above, in case a candidate who having failed or placed under re-appear category applies for re-evaluation of his/her answer script/s, but the result of re-evaluation is not declared before the commencement of the subsequent examination in the concerned paper/s and subject/s, as the case may be, the candidate shall be required to appear in the subsequent examination. He/she will, however, send a separate intimation to the Controller of Examinations that he/she was appearing in the subsequent examination pending declaration of the result of the re-evaluation. In such a case the candidate shall be given the benefit of the better of the results of the re-evaluation and the subsequent examination.
c) In such a case, if the candidate is given the benefit of re-evaluation, he/she will be entitled to refund of examination fee paid by him/her for the subsequent examination except the permission fee. But if he/she is given the benefit of the result of the subsequent examination, the examination fee paid by him/her for the subsequent examination shall not be refunded. In that case he/she will be entitled to the refund of the fee paid for the re-evaluation of his/her answer script/s only.
d) In no case the student shall be given the benefit of the better of the two scores i.e. re-evaluation score and the score of the subsequent examination, if the result of re-evaluation is declared even a day before the commencement of the examination in the said subject/s paper/s. In such a case, result of the re-evaluation shall be final and binding on the candidate.
10. The requisite answer scripts from the Store shall be retrieved under the supervision of the Officers-in-charge Evaluation and Re-evaluation section. The answer scripts shall then be verified, rechecked and marks defaced by the assistants under the supervision of the officer-in-charge (Revaluation) and a nominee of the Vice-Chancellor who, individually, shall be paid remuneration at the rates prescribed for Deputy Project Director. The assistants shall share remuneration prescribed for checking assistant. The Code Officer shall then allot fresh code numbers, maintain a secret code key which shall be handed over to the officer-in-charge (Revaluation) in sealed cover for further necessary action. The checking assistant attached with the code officer shall ensure that all marking of original examiner/s are defaced.
11. a) A teacher/officer as approved by the Controller of Examinations shall be appointed as Coding Officer. He shall ensure that every blak page or a blank portion of it, is crossed in red ink.
b) The code for allotting marks by the original examiner on title cover of the answer script, intended for re-evaluation, shall be torn off by the Code Officer. Thereafter, the answer scripts shall be coded. The re-evaluator/s will allot marks, question-wise on the title cover as well as inside the answer book.
12. The appointment of re-evaluators at the B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. level shall be made by the Controller of Examinations out of the panel of examiners approved by the Competent Authority.
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