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| Schedule
(UGC) 2019-2020
| Schedule
(RUSA) 2019-2020
VC's Message
Director's Message
Major Functions
- Plan, organise, implement, monitor and evaluate Orientation Courses for newly appointed lecturers in colleges and universities within the jurisdiction of the State or outside the state as per the subject or programme allocated and approved by the U.G.C.
- The newly established ASC may organize up to four Orientation Programme of four weeks duration, full time preferably residential course in a year with at least 30 participants. The Colleges/University departments will release interested eligible teachers to attend the course.
- Organize Refresher Courses for serving teachers as per subject allocation and jurisdiction defined by the U.G.C. for the purpose.
- Formulate a programme of Orientation Course along the broad guidelines having major five components with additional components of computer awareness, computer aided teaching and application of computers in the various subject disciplines as are essential to the programme. May kindly consult eminent subject specialists as per requirement in your subject/programme.
- Identify resource persons in various fields of specialisation for preparing the Course curriculum as well as in running the Orientation Programme and Refresher Courses in tune with the philosophy and guidelines for the programme and courses.
- Arrange accommodation for resource persons arid participants, preferably in the University Guest House or suitable hostel respectively.
- Set up quality documentation-cum-library with proper access with the electronic library and networked with the computer facilities for reference and resource materials for use of the Orientation Programme and Refresher Courses.
- Prepare specially designed reading materials and documents for effective implementation of the programme and circulate to the participants in advance so that the participants may interact. A copy of all the Course Curriculum so organized from time to time may be kept for future record in the blind form.
- Monitor the various components and stages of the Orientation Programmes and evaluate the effectiveness of the courses.
- Organize other programmes as per communication by the U.G.C. The U.G.C. of course does not allow conduct of courses other than the U.G.C. allocated ones under the banner of the UGC-ASC. All communications for inviting proposals from interested participating teachers as per circulation of the U.G.C. may be endorsed with the UGC- ASC, and so also all documents as UGC-ASC.
- Create an academic environment and set up proper plan for effective utilisation of the expertise of the resource persons for mutual learning process. The respective University departments may also take advantage of the resource persons at a very low cost through invited guest lectures for benefit of the researchers, students and other teachers of the University department where the ASC is situated.
- All necessary steps for proper implementation of the activities under the ASCs.