Studies on the chromosome of two fishes from Jammu.
Macrozoobenthic fauna in relation to some environmental factors in eutrophicating lake Mansar, Jammu.
Oocyte maturation and spawning of Puntius ticto from Jammu waters.
Morphological studies of Alimentary canal of fishes of Lake Mansar.
Snake fauna of Kashmir.
Chelonian fauna of J&K State.
On the freshwater Chelonian fauna of Jammu and Kashmir.
Eco-geographical distribution and present status of Herptiles in Kashmir Himalayas.
On the habitat and behaviour, maturity-size and sexual dimorphism in a population of fresh water Emydid Turtles of Jammu.
Morphology of male reproductive organs in Indian saw-backed turtle, Kachuga tecta and brown roofed turtle K. Smithi from J&K State.
Preliminary observations on the ecology of fresh water soft shelled turtle ( Trionychidne) of J&K State.
Ecological notes on the fresh water hard shelled turtle (family : Enydidae) of J&K State.
Seasonal variation in ovarian weight and gonado somatic index in wall lizard Hemidactylus flaviviridis Ruppell (Sauria : gekkonidae) from Jammu.
Anthropogenic pressure on a population of soft shelled turtle, Trionyx gangetius in Lake Mansar, Jammu, J&K State.
On the nidification and breeding ecology of comon babbler Turdoides caudatus (Dumont) in Jammu (J&K State), India.
List of birds at Jammu province, India.
Distribution and ecology of lizards of J&K State.
The amphibian fauna of J&K State.
On the distribution, ecology and status of the Indian monitor Lizard Varanus bengalensis Daudin in J&K State.
On the size and maturity in male freshwatr turtles Kachuga tecta & K. Smithi Jammu.
Status range, extension and ecological notes on Indo-gangetic flapshell turtle, Lissemys punctata andersoni (testudines : Trionychidae) in Jammu Shivalik, J&K State.
Sexual diamorhism in Ksahuga tecta and K. Smithi (testudines : bataguridae) in Jammu.
Observation on the nesting of the Ganges soft shelled turtles, Aspideretes gangeticus vuvier (Chelonia : trionychidae) lake Mansar in Jammu Shivalik, J&K State.
Food & Feeding habit of free ranging Rhesusmonky in Jammu region.
An Ecological & Behavioural Study on Macaca multta (Zimmerman) in Jammu, J&K.