About the Department :-
in 1995 |
The Department of Environmental
Sciences was established in 1995 as a center in the
Department of Bio-Sciences. After trifurcation of
latter, a separate department was created in
September, 1998.
The Department is a part of Faculty of Life Sciences,
which comprises of Environmental Sciences, Botany,
Zoology , Biotechnology, Biochemistry &
Microbiology .
The Department has 7 Faculty Membersmembers. The
thrust area of research includes Terrestrial Ecology,
Solid Waste Management, Pollution studies, Limnology
& Fisheries. Faculty members are actively involved
in organizing various Environmental Awareness
programmes. The Department conducts M.Sc., M.Phil
& Ph. D. Programmes in Environmental Sciences. Our
students are making contribution in areas such as
Higher Education, Kashmir Administrative services(19),
various Scientific Institutes of country, Army, Police
etc. Besides, number of our students have qualified
National Eligibility Test (NET) (25) SLET (25) and
GATE(3) .
The Department is always striving hard to make it a
Center of Excellence.