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Post Graduate Department of Computer Science & IT
Established in 1987

The Department of Computer Science & IT Started in the University of Jammu with the initation of Diploma Course in computer science and applications in the year, 1987. The department started 3 years MCA (Six Semester) Course from the year, 1995. The MCA course is standardized and is representing 30 courses, five practical courses and one real life project be undertaken by the VIth Semester students in the reputed industries / institutions.

The department has grown in the infrastructure in terms of space, hardware, software communications and manpower and is in process of growth as per rapidly changing technological developments. The students of this depart ment have found their placement in the global market. The department has undertaken research and is looking forward for the support from the co-workers located at different geographical locations in the fields like Scaffolding strategies in IT, Modeling and Simulation, visuals and Geometric Computing, Distributed processing and Algorithmic framework to education and learning. The department is also looking forward towards policy makers for designing proper formats for data acquisition, which shall address the basic problems so that the growth of the young departments is automatically addressed.

Computer Lab
Department has grown visibly on all fronts and stands firmly on the Global IT map. The MCA Course infrastructure like hardware, software, Library, Space, manpower and course design stands among the best available anywhere in the country.




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