Computer Centre
Established in Oct. 1978
Computer Centre, University of Jammu, is making consistent efforts to up-date the various facilities available in hardware, software and also in technical field by organizing regular vocational courses for the students community/other staff of the Universities/Institutes. The various courses run by our department helps the students and other community not only to update their knowledge in the field of IT Sector but also it gives them an exposure to ensure their adoption in the reputed industries/institutions of the country. In addition the centre has also undertaken other jobs as highlighted below. The centre has developed several software programs on request basis for various organization/institutions.
Facilities :-
- Hardware : Unix based multi terminal Dec-alpha Mini-system. Pentium, PI, PII, PIII, PIV, Scanner, Printer DMP & Laser, On-line UPS, AC(Windows), CVT.
- Software : Digital Unix, Fortan Compiler, C/C++ Compiler, Pascal, Math Lib. Windows Operating Systems, Visual basic, Utilities, Antivirus software, RDBMS/DBMS software packages etc.
Activities :-
- Resistance in teaching to various PG Departments in theory and practical courses.
- Advance Computer Course (ACC) of one year duration in collaboration with Department of Adult & Continuing Education.
- Computerization of pre-conduct stage. Examination work for under-graduate students B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Approx. strength of 60,000/- students ).
- Assistance in admission process for Private B.Ed. Colleges affiliated to Jammu University - strength of 10,000/- candidates approx.
- Assistance for software development & data preparation for State Level Eligibility Test (SLET).
- Assistance to research of various department in their research work for running their software programs and development of software programs on request basis.
- Unix facilities to Computer Science Department by providing connection to 15 terminals hook up on Alpha System.
- Organization of the training programs of College teachers of the neighbouring universities, administrative staff, research scholars.
- CIC & BCA programs. Organized by IGNOU.