Dr. Jigar Mohammed

Qualification : Ph.D

Designation : Professor

Specialization : Medieval Indian History

Contact No. : 094192-01253 (Mob), 0191-2452546

Publication : Socio-Political view of Jaiyid Ali Hamadani in Wasim Shah (ed) Shah-i-Hanmadan...Delhi 2003
                    Prince Dara Sikoh writing on Sufism and Comparative Religion.. in Wasim Shah (ed) Development of Persian historiography in India...Delhi 2003
                    Mughals and the Jammu Hill States (1556-1707), Proceedings of the IHC,2004 Patna
                    Hindus of Kashmir under Sultan Zein ul-Abidin (1420-70) Punjab- Past and Present, 2005, Patiala
                    Medieval Ladakh, Baltistan and western Tibet John Bray (ed), Kadakh Histories, 2005, Bostan